Welcome Home Miss South Africa

On 13 December 2012 Marilyn Ramos (21), Miss South Africa 2012, was welcomed back to her home town of Klerksdorp by friends, family and people from Klerksdorp at an event at Coobah in Klerksdorp.

On 9 December 2012 Marilyn was crowned Miss South Africa at the Sun City Superbowl. Since her crowning people from Klerksdorp could not await her return to congratulate her and celebrate with her. Marilyn is a very down to earth person and very sociable. She was very patient with the very long queue of people who wanted to say hello and have their photo taken with her. In the 2 hours it took for everyone to say hello and have a photo taken her smile never faded. Klerksdorp is proud to have Marilyn Ramos as the new Miss South Africa for 2012.

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